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A healthy lifestyle also includes the consumption of finger millet.
Finger millet is generally called ragi. A healthy lifestyle also includes the consumption of finger millet.
Finger millet has been found to contain the highest amount of calcium of all millet. It is a main ingredient of the diet in India and you can find it more and more in supermarkets.
Most notably, finger millet is grown all year round. Finger millet is not susceptible to drought. It can grow in the poorest soils with little rainfall.
Finger millet is actually a forgotten product. Other grain crops such as rice and wheat are much more widely offered and thus more established. Fortunately, more and more people are discovering finger millet for its many health benefits.
Without a doubt, an easy way to improve your health is to add millet to your diet.
As one of the best sellers of millet in the Netherlands, we have experience sourcing millet from our extensive network of millet growers in India.
The hygienically grown millet comes straight from the farmland and no artificial flavors, preservatives are added. We supply the millet with high-quality packaging that ensures lasting freshness.
If you need pure quality millet at a reasonable price, look no further. We have various types of millet in stock!
Finger millet is an important millet, widely grown in various regions of India and Africa. The scientific name is Eleusine Coracan.
It is a good source of protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and minerals.
Compared to all other millet varieties, finger millet contains the highest amount of calcium and potassium. It is also packed with amino acid sectors tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine and trypsin.
Finger millet usually has a bland taste that many people do not appreciate. Nutritionists recommend that it is better to roast finger millet before adding it to food, which gives the food a nutty flavor that makes it taste good. It has a pale pink color that develops into a deep reddish brown pallet.
It is processed into Dosa, roti, cutlets, porridges, adai, upma and can also be consumed as a slimming drink! In India, finger millet is widely consumed because it has various health benefits.
Finger millet is a rich source of calcium that helps boost bone health in adults and growing children. It would also help to avoid the risk of developing osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and symptoms like joint pain etc.
Finger millet is a rich source of iron which helps prevent iron deficiency and keeps anemia at bay. It helps to increase the production of red blood cells, further increasing hemoglobin. This aids in the transport of oxygen throughout the body and prevents various symptoms that can occur due to iron deficiency.
Do you suffer from a disturbed sleep rhythm? Regular consumption of finger millet at moderate levels could help you reduce anxiety and treat depression. It is also claimed to help prevent migraines and headaches.
Regular consumption of finger millet is also said to be good for nursing mothers. Due to the regular consumption of finger millet, breast milk contains three times as much calcium. It helps to increase milk production and is also said to help against mood swings.
In addition to its high fiber content, it helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics. Finger millet is also one of the low glycemic index foods and has a lower ability to raise blood sugar.
Finger millet can also help lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension.
Finger millet helps prevent the two main risk factors for heart disease, namely diabetes and hypertension. It also reduces the risk of developing heart disease and cardiovascular symptoms.
Finger millet is filled with tannins, which are plant compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it helps to minimize wrinkles, pimples and acne and reduce dark spots and scars.
Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. For more information, always consult a specialist or your own doctor. We claim no responsibility for this information.
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